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Chapter 97 - Al-Qadr 



***Please note... The information in the parentheses immediately following the verse number indicates the file or article to which they refer.  Verses will continue to be added as the documents are introduced.



97:1-5(20)  Indeed we have presented this Quran in a Dark Time Zone (لیلۃ) when no moral value/principle/yardstick/ criterion/standard (القدر) existed.  But you are not aware as to what great importance this era of absence of values (لیلۃ القدر) possessed.  In fact, the Era of Darkness of Values is to be taken as a blessing in spite of the prevalent well known (الفِ) state of infamous depravity (شہر); because in its wake, descend Divine Authorities (الملائکۃ) with divine revelations (و الروح) with their Lord’s permission, heralding the message of peace and security (سلام) in all human affairs (من کل امر).  And this enforcement of peaceful conditions continues (ھی) till the divine guidance enlightens the earth with its blessings (حتیٰ مطلع الفجر).